There have most certainly been ups and downs but there are a few things I have really loved about this lock-down time. Call me a weirdo but here goes!
1. No rushing around
No morning rush getting ready for school, no running from appointment to meeting, no long list of errands to get through in a day, no clock watching, no pressure. I love that, so much. The every day hustle is so tiring for this introvert and I am loving the slow pace and simplicity of life right now!

2. Having my husband home
I am always at my happiest when Stu is with me and although he has worked full time from home through this whole thing (and has locked himself in my studio so that he can actually concentrate), it has been wonderful having him here. Lunch together every day and no commute time have been huge bonuses. Oh and being able to pop in and ask him for help when I have a tech problem.

3. Time to indulge myself in education
OK I will fess up - I am a bit addicted to online photography education. It gets expensive I'll tell you! A lot of the education is video based and I have used this time to watch lots of it, from improving my shooting, to learning more business stuff. When home learning kicked in I found I could sit alongside my son while he did his work, and I could watch courses until he needed my help. It's been wonderful but my brain is bulging!
